#22 (Bolero)


As recorded on Cuarentena, With Family at Home, “#22” is a song written by my father, Jay Daversa. I always loved this melody and its circling harmony through the cycle of 5ths. For the arrangement, I created a ¾ bar at the end of each phrase and layered the instruments in beginning with muted trumpet and piano in the key of F. The trumpet solo follows the same meter structure with a quasi-Brazilian bass pattern, modulating to the key of C. The piano solo modulates another 5th to the key of G. The bass plays the melody back in the original key of F before the trumpet takes over again modulating back to C. Then, the trumpet and piano trade 8s and 4s over modulating dominant sus chords until the melody is condensed into 4 bars at the end as a final restatement.

*All charts are sold and delivered as high resolution pdf files.

  • Jay Daversa & John Daversa

  • Bolero/Brazilian

  • 111 BPM

  • Medium

  • Trumpet