Loren's Theme (Score)


Justin Morell says: “This features the melody that I transcribed from a recording of Loren’s vocalization.”

The style of this movement is Brahmsian at first, featuring primarily strings with the woodwinds adding some color and a bit of chromaticism. Violas and soprano saxophone play the melody until the trumpet enters. From there, the music becomes more of a traditional jazz ballad, with the rhythm section keeping simple time and the orchestra adding accompaniment. The trumpet part calls for loose phrasing, but also restraint, as well as some improvisation over a simple vamp. The melody should remain consistently and clearly in the foreground. It isn’t complicated, but it requires care: the listener needs to be able instantly to grasp it and hold onto it for the remainder of the piece.

*All charts are sold and delivered as high resolution pdf files.

  • Justin Morell

  • Solo
    Trumpet Soloist

    Violin I section
    Violin II section
    Viola section
    Cello Section
    Bass Section

    2 Flutes
    2 Soprano Saxophones
    2 Clarinets
    2 Bassoons
    2 Horns

    Rhythm Section
    4 Guitars (Electric)

    Percussion 1 (Timpani)
    Percussion 2 (Vibraphone)