The Urgency of Every Moment (Score)


Justin Morell says: “When you have a child with developmental challenges, you feel a pressure as a parent to take advantage of every second, because you’re told there’s a window in which growth, especially language development, can happen.”

Variation 4 is an agitated, mixed meter movement that begins with trumpet and short rhythmic interjections from the orchestra. The trumpet is very exposed for much of the opening, which gives the performer a chance to shape the melodies with much dynamic range. Interspersed between these broken rhythmic passages are more flowing string textures in a style similar to a hoedown. The trumpet improvisation in this movement is extensive, and somewhat free, with the soloist often playing opposite only the drums. Rhythmic accuracy is essential in order to maintain a high intensity level throughout the full length of the movement.

*All charts are sold and delivered as high resolution pdf files.

  • Justin Morell

  • Solo
    Trumpet Soloist

    Violin I section
    Violin II section
    Viola section
    Cello Section
    Bass Section

    2 Flutes
    2 Soprano Saxophones
    Bass Clarinet
    2 Bassoons
    2 Horns

    Rhythm Section
    4 Guitars (Steel-String Acoustic)

    Percussion 1 (Timpani)
    Percussion 2 (Marimba, Vibraphone)